Foreign Exchange polka dot tank, vintage Levi's denim vest, f21 leggings, vintage black bag, UO bow, random nerd glasses, Nicole heels, and Target gladiators
Today I went to 2nd Street in LB with my boyfriend and his family in the morning before he had to go to work. I was aiming for a cut asian fashion-inspired outfit, that was roughened up with the denim vest. I wore heels for the photos, but I knew I was die wearing those, so I switched to gladiator sandals. We went to 2nd Street to pick up a gift certificate to Fingerprints for our friend's debut, also stopped at Buffalo Exchange (where his family became hooked onto BE, I don't blame them), got pizza for lunch, and some lovely French pastries- a fruit tart and chocolate raspberry mousse for me, and a chocolate eclair for him)